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Natural wood tables

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Do you want to create a difference in the decor of your business such as cafes, bars, restaurants, gardens and terraces or even in the interior of your home? So, our table desks are just like you. This aesthetic model, which is a great advantage in terms of appearance especially for the commercial enterprises which are as important as the service quality, is produced by cutting a single piece of the aged tree, and also demonstrates the quality as well as the quality of the production phase. Our billet table model, which has a combination of metal or wood legs, is polished with a walnut-colored finish except for our customers' special request. This product is still very durable with this lacquer, the natural appearance of the quality of the product is also very suitable for our customers.
Walnut varnish in addition to our request, our product with polish options, very affordable price with our customers as soon as possible reaches. You can have this product coming from nature and forwarding to your home with just a button.

Logistic tables, which add a different and prestigious effect to the decoration of commercial spaces where the visuality, such as cafes, restaurants and bars are just as important as service quality, are produced from aged tree trunks. Our company does not produce low quality billet table models which are prepared by processes such as bonding and welding. The log tables in our catalog are prepared by using the aged tree trunk and the monolithic single piece which is cut from these aged tree trunks.
Metal or wooden profile table legs can be applied to the billet table models can be produced using different carrier feet in accordance with customer demands. In addition to the special orders, the billet table varieties in our catalog are polished by using walnut color varnish. We are able to supply billet table models that combine long-lasting use with positive energy added to the space and stylish visuality, and within a period of 4 thousand liras in our campaign periods, we can deliver to Istanbul in a very short time.
The billet table model you order is prepared by cutting in about one week and it is delivered to your address in a period of 8-9 days. Order now to earn your customers' appreciation and transform your space into an address that is popular with these log tables, which are not popular in terms of decoration trends, but popular in every period.